Mainly because my Xfinity plan has a one terabyte data cap, and the entire household either streams or downloads in 4K. I have high storage capacities on my phone and PC, but I’ve always wondered how much data Netflix actually uses when it downloads the stuff I want to watch. Whenever I watch Netflix on my phone or PC, I have the habit of downloading shows and movies rather than streaming them. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

When you buy through links on my blog, I may earn an affiliate commission. Again, like the limited-downloads issues we highlighted above, this is one of those in-the-fine-print scenarios that we didn’t encounter in the wild.RobotPoweredHome is reader-supported. Unfortunately, there’s really no way to tell which titles have which limitations unless you experiment with them ahead of time, so if your goal is to download all the episodes of Frasier for that Arctic cruise, it might be wise to test things out a few weeks before you set sail. Some titles will also expire 48 hours after you first press play (this is also displayed in the “My Downloads” section).įortunately, if the particular title is available for renewal per the licensing, you don’t have to download it again-you just have to tap the little “!” icon next to it in “My Downloads” and renew it (while online of course). If a title is set to expire from your download collection in the next 7 days or less, you will see a notification to that end on your “My Downloads” page within the Netflix app. Per the fine print in Netflix’s help file on the matter, titles can expire per the license agreement with the companies leasing the content to Netflix. Titles Expire, and You Need to Log In Occasionally We tried to run into this barrier with show after show, but have yet to run into a limit. That means it’s theoretically possible that you could run into a situation where you wanted to download all 6 seasons of a show but Netflix would only allow you to download some of them.

Although we have yet to run into this issue while field testing the download feature, we talked to Netflix and found that it’s possible company X could cap the number of episodes you download of show A.